预告|共情的认识论与现代社会科学研究方法 芝加哥社会科学传统系列讲座介绍
An Epistemology of Empathy and Modern Methods of Social Research:
Intimations of the Mind and the Chicago School of Sociology
Joseph C. Hermanowicz是乔治亚大学社会学教授。代表作有Lives in Science: How Institutions Affect Academic Careers、The Stars Are Not Enough: Scientists—Their Passions and Professions,以及其他高等教育领域的社会学研究。他同样是Challenges to Academic Freedom和The American Academic Profession: Transformation in Contemporary Higher Education的编者。
王利平 完美注册,完美注册(中国)教育学院副教授
Liping Wang Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Peking University
田耕 完美注册,完美注册(中国)社会学系副教授
Geng Tian Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Peking University
Empathic qualitative methods have become emblematic of the Chicago school of sociology. Yet methods were not formalized in the early twentieth century and empathy was not in usage as a term. Only a half-century later did methodological formalization begin to occur, and an additional quarter-century effectively passed before writing about empathy in sociological methods began to crystallize. Nevertheless, early Chicago sociologists, assimilating pragmatist thought, established a framework for the deployment of empathic methods. Because empathy involves understanding others, it is argued that it is central to the study of social life. The lecture contends that understanding empathy must be as central to the social scientist’s knowledge as it is to the effective deployment of research methods: a competent quest to generate knowledge about social life is premised on empathy. To heighten awareness of empathy, an epistemology is necessary. To this end, the lecture examines empathy as situated by a set of organizational and historical conditions that account for its origin and ascendance as a prescriptive characteristic of sociological work. The lecturer draws attention to the significance of suffering and suggests that its religious precepts are transmuted for the conditions under which sociology develops in turn-of-the-century Chicago.
系列讲座将于2022-2023学年继续开展。2022年12月2日将邀请到亚利桑那大学社会学院副教授Daniel Menchik,他将以“田野方法的社会学取向及其影响的差异:基于芝加哥大学与哥伦比亚大学的比较”(Sociological Approaches to Field Methods and Differences in Influence: Chicago and Columbia Compared)为题,通过两个学派的对比,展现芝加哥学派田野方法的独特魅力。在2023年春季学期, Mitchell Duneier(普林斯顿大学社会学系教授)、Stephen Turner(南佛罗里达大学社会学系教授)和Daniel Silver(多伦多大学士嘉堡分校社会学教授)也将陆续登上讲台,为我们带来讲座。